Mobile Health and Activity Monitoring 2025

Health and activity monitoring has become a key purpose of mobile and wearable devices, including phones, (smart) watches, (smart) rings, (smart) belts, and other trackers (e.g., shoe clips, pendants). In this course, we will cover the fundamental aspects that these devices observe, i.e., user behavior, actions, and physiological dynamics of the human body, as well as the sensors, signals, and methods to capture, process, and analyze them. We will then cover methods for pattern extraction and classification on such data. The course will therefore touch on aspects of human activities, cardiovascular and pulmonary physiology, affective computing (recognizing, interpreting, and processing emotions), corresponding lower-level sensing systems (e.g., inertial sensing, optical sensing, photoplethysmography, eletrodermal activity, electrocardiograms) and higher-level computer vision-based sensing (facial expressions, motions, gestures), as well as processing methods for these types of data.


252-0312-00L Mobile Health and Activity Monitoring
Christian Holz
Head TA
Max Moebus (max.moebus@inf....)
Supporting TAs
Björn Braun, Paul Streli, and Manuel Meier
Please address all questions (on content, organization, etc.) on Moodle
link to Mobile Health & Activity Monitoring Moodle 2025
ETH lecture room CAB G 11.
All lectures will be recorded (link in Moodle)
Mondays, 2–4pm
first lecture: February 17, 2025
last lecture: May 26, 2025
ETH lecture room: tbd
Mondays, 1–2pm (TA Hours may end as early as 1:15pm if no students are present.)
first TA Hour: March 17
All exercises will be announced on Moodle, including deliverables, expectations, and submission dates.
end-of-term exam (Semesterendprüfung)
type: in-person computer-based exam
when: first or second week in June
location: tbd
slides, assignments, and recordings