Adaptive User Interfaces through Machine Learning 2025

In the recent years, there have been major technological advances in commercial virtual and augmented reality systems. Those advancements lead to many open challenges in terms of perception and interaction as well as technical challenges. In this course, students present and discuss papers from relevant top-tier research venues to extract techniques and insights from MR research. The objective of the seminar is for participants to collectively learn about the state-of-the-art research in Mixed Reality (primarily augmented and virtual reality) and closely related areas. This includes the ability to concisely present results of pioneering as well as state-of-the-art research. Another objective is to collectively discuss open issues in the field and developing a feeling for what constitutes research questions and outcomes in the field of technical Human-Computer Interaction.


252-3800-00L Adaptive User Interfaces through Machine Learning
Christian Holz and Yi-Chi Liao
Please address all questions (on content, organization, etc.) on Slack
link to Adaptive User Interfaces through Machine Learning 2025
ETH lecture room CAB D 46.
Wednesdays, 4–6pm
first seminar: 19.02.2025
last seminar: 28.05.2025
slides, assignments, and recordings